Another New Year

Teach Flow Summit

Today, do yourself the service of stopping.  Stop your movement, your thoughts, your goal for just a moment.  Okay?  Now that you’ve done the challenging part, take it a step further…

Hone in on someone around you.  A stranger, acquaintance, family member, lover.  Choose one and see them for who they are and where they are in this exact moment on this particular day.

When you take the time to stop in order to see the world around you on a day like today, you have the rare opportunity of looking at hundreds of people on the verge of change.  It’s New Years Eve, after all, and while many of us know that today’s resolutions have a high tendency to dissipate over the new year, it is still astounding to see the world struggle to better itself all at once.

Diet, exercise, self-truth, happiness, forgiveness, travel, love for self, love for…

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